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Voss Farms Elementary building exterior

Many families move into the New Braunfels area for the excellent schools. Schools in the New Braunfels ISD, as a whole, have a reputation for providing students with an excellent education.

Because our parents value their child's education, they and their children are committed to success.  The development of each classroom as a community, as well as the school as an entire community working toward success for all, is an intense focus throughout the year.

Due to the size of the campus, we have three intervention teachers that serve our Kinder-5th grade students. These intervention positions are to service our most at-risk students in their native language.

Voss Farms has one full-time coach and one part-time coach to serve our teachers as they use data to help support effective teaching practices for kinder-5th grade.

Our focus is student growth and achievement. Teachers and other relevant instructional leaders review data on campus, district, and state assessments after each administration through PLCs. Teachers and instructional leaders analyze this data to set goals for student performance as well as personal professional goals for the school year.

School Hours:

7:30am - 3:00pm